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Word of Mouth

Such an amazing idea to ensure exact communication between restaurants and patrons regarding their allergy! Literally a life saver!

Well done - Great idea! I'm always scared to death to eat in a restaurant because the server may not make note of my allergies - doesn't care about allergies or does not understand the severity & potential harm from allergies - and/or does not relay this info to the cook/chef. So - well done and you've got a great idea!!

"Can we order these Sticky Notes ?? Great idea ! We have a 15 yr old grandson who is Celiac and his 7 yr old brother has 15 life threatening food allergies so he can’t go out to eat anywhere ever !!!! Sad ! 😥 We take the 15 yr old out once in a great while and constantly frets placing any order once in awhile ! Their lives are super Scary !!!"

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